Triple A & H

So today we made a podcast about the end of the year. It’s really sad that we have to put it to an end, but it was really fun talking about it. It’s going to be sad seeing my friend leave, but I hope everyone does something good in life. Now since school is almost over I can talk about how cool it was to do a podcast. I can’t believe I thought making a podcast was actually fun. I thought podcasting was going to be boring only because it sounds boring on the radio. Sometimes they act like there having fun then sometimes they act bored with it. Before I learned about the podcast, I thought it was a radio show like 97.9 or any other radio show. I didn’t know it kind of had it’s own meaning. It’s cool how you can do anything with podcasting. For example I heard other classmates they had a relationship show, a story to tell, etc. It was really cool and I was amazed. Now since I know how to do a podcast, I’m actually doing one for another class project. My teacher is going to be amazed because I know how to use the technology to edit it and i can make it sound really good. The only hard thing about the project was that we have to explain what we are going to talk about. It’s hard coming up with something when you have to sit and think about it. For me I can just easily talk about a lot of stuff, but we have to sit and think about what to say so we can relate to our audience.


Triple A & H Podcast

Making a podcast is really hard. You have to think of what you going to say, when your going to say it, how you’re going to say it, and so on and so on. It’s too much work for me and I can’t keep up. An easy way to do it is to write out a script because you know exactly what you’re going to say and when. On my project it wasn’t so great.

We didn’t know exactly what to talk about we so lost while we were recording. I think we did not do so good until Nevres came in on it. It started to get funny when we were interviewing him. I had a lot of fun because it was different. Everybody in my group didn’t really participate i was kind of doing all the talking and i didn’t know what to talk about.  When you listen to the podcast you would understand.

I like to make people laugh and i do it alot. But when i did the podcast nothing came to mind. Its like a had a brain fart lol its was crazy. We did talk about the idea’s that we were going to do on the podcast but we didn’t follow it. Its hard because we didn’t have a script.

I think im going to have to write a long script out so we can have plenty of things to talk about. I want our podcast to be funny and not lame because if its lame nobody is going to want to listen to it. Usually i would have a lot of things to talk about. Im going to have to brainstorm for a couple of days so we wont have another podcast like the first one.

I’m just going to say that our first podcast was practice because we just learned about the equipment. The next podcast we do its going to be much better and funnier i can promise you that.

Night Vale Podcast

This podcast was okay, it didn’t really entertain me. In the beginning I thought it was going to be like a scary show. I guess its because of the type of music in the beginning. I really got excited, but I guess it was for no reason. I got lost because it was switching scenes and it was hard to follow.

I liked the part when they were talking about a man who was a fraud. It was funny because he was trying to be somebody that did not exist at all and eventually the police caught up to him. The rapping part was really lame because he was talking about the bus stop and sitting in the rain but I laughed about it a little. It was horrible but then again it was funny because that’s how rappers nowadays sound like.

If the show didn’t have so many scenes at once it would be interesting. It would have caught my attention but stuff like this my attention will go to something else. I lose interest so fast that’s its not even funny.  I didn’t think i would even like podcast at all. There all right, it’s not something that I would listen to every morning.

Cardboard Reflection

This project was actually fun to do. At first it seemed so lame and I really didn’t want to do it. I actually thought it was a waste of time. The fun part about this project it when we were putting it together and making it look pretty. I had a blast doing that but I hated when we had to do the measurements.

I left that to the boys in my group to do. I can say that Andres, Alex, and Harun pulled it off really good. Andres was a good leader in the group, he assigned us what to do and he bought the stuff that we needed when Ms. Montgomery didn’t have it. He told us what the exact measurements where and where to put the pieces. Alex was a very good assistant.

He made sure that everything was in order right after we put things together. Harun on the other hand, all he really did was do the measurements and put the zip ties on. He helped a little bit but i think he can work on his participation skills. I know he has more energy to help people out but he is just too lazy. I didn’t want to do all the building and stuff so the boys left me with designing the telf.

It was pretty fun making it my own design. I liked when i had to put my own color and make it look pretty. I didn’t think this project was going to be a success at all I thought it was going to be a big fail. If it was i was going to laugh it off and just say we did our best. I hope we get to do more projects like this because this was the most creative project we did.

Not My Taste


So this week we watched a movie named Hero and it was pretty bad. Honestly I don’t really know what the movie was about because I didn’t really watch it. I know right now it seems like i really hate the movie but I don’t it was just not my cup of tea. Yeah I like action movies and fighting movies but I didn’t like this one. It was pretty boring and I didn’t find it interesting at all.

I think the fight scene was kind of dumb. It wasn’t realistic at all you can tell that the fighters are on wires. Im glad the movies that were made recently have good fighting scenes. In fights nobody stays in the air for five minutes just to kick somebody in the face. That would be really cool if that actually happened though. What i did like in the movies when they started using the knifes but that didn’t seem realistic either.

When your watching the movie it does seem like you’re playing a video game. To me it seemed like I was watching a Mortal Kombat match. I say that because when you’re playing the game you can kick people in the air and fight them,  but thats just my opinion. Before the movie Ms. Montgomery said that we’re going to watch a movie about a different culture. Well I do like learning about different cultures because its interesting but I thought we could have watched a different movie.

This movie was kind of hard to understand. Maybe because they didn’t want to put subtitles so they had to make it seem like the actors where speaking english. That was a bad idea because it didn’t make the movie seem so realistic. I really want to watch another movie like this but i need to really understand it to get the concept.

Action Is Good !!


I never thought I was going to like Star Wars because it seemed so boring and uninteresting. When people talked about it I always thought it was lame. It was just a lot of stuff that was uninteresting to me when they talked about it. I guess I say that because nerds were always talking about it (no offense to those cool guys). When I actually sat down and watched the whole movie I found it very interesting.

It was a lot of action like shooting and fighting. It was pretty good but I thought it needed better filming. I guess its ok because it was made in the 70’s. My favorite character in the movie was Luke Skywalker because he was adventrest. He didn’t care what he was going through he always wanted to help.

It was cute how he wanted to go save Princess Leia and he didnt even know her, but she was calling for Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was cool how Obi-Wan Kenobi was helping Luke Skywalker throughout the movie. I thought the crazy part was that when Obi-Wan Kenobi just disappeared when he was fighting Darth Vader. He just left out of know where and nobody knows where he went. He was Luke Skywalkers second mind, if that makes since.

He would tell him what he should and should not do during their battle. I didn’t like Darth Vader only because he was really mean. It was like if you’re not in his crew than he hates you and he wants to rule the word. I didn’t think he was that mean those but he is just like any other villain trying to destroy the super hero. Princess Leia was really pretty. I liked her a lot because she didn’t act so snobby she actually help Luke skywalker fight.

Spirited Away


Spirited away was a really good movie. I thought I would never like animated movies because they where so wierd. We’ll at least the ones that i have seen I really didn’t like them. When I seen Spirited Away I was really intrested in the movie. After the first scene I wanted to see the rest of the movie.

You know when people say don’t judge a book by its cover? Well I always do that, its just a bad habit. I thought I was going to really hate the movie, but my opinion came out different. It was like an action animation movie. I liked the colors in the movie it was very colorful.

I know that wierd to say but hey its true. My favorite part of the movie is when No-Face was chasing Chihiro. He could never catch up to her because she gain so much weight and he was to big. When he was running after her he lost a lot of weight but it seem like he was getting nice. When they where on the train he sat next to her and he was quit.

When they arrived at Zeniba’s house he seemed like the sweetest person ever he was having fun knitting things and it was so cute. I liked how Chihiro was always detemined in the movie. She didnt care what it was or what she was going through, she knew her plan was always going to work out. In the beggining i always thought Chihiro wanted to be with Haku, but i found out that it was always Sen who had love for him and wanted to be with him. I was a little confused at first because i didnt get to see the whole movie, but throughout the movie i understood it a lot.

Spirited Away Discussion Questions

Spirited Away was very different from the other animated movies that I have seen. I only say that because they have a spirit in the movie and that is unusual. At first I thought that was kind of weird and I wanted to know why they had him in the movie it was very interesting to find out about him. I believe that Chihiro was a believable character because she act like most 10 year old girls. She was very curious and she always wanted to help people.

If i was in Chihiro situation I would be scared. I dont think I can handle anything that she went through. I think I would be like the other people and follow the directions that was given to me. I don’t think the time pass was the same in the real world and the spirit world. In the spirit world i think time is very slow and one of my evidence is when Chihiro took Boh to Zeniba’s house.

When they were knitting he act like he never did that before. He was really excited and he wanted to stay with Zeniba. In this movie they made the spirit seem bad. Usually they say we have good and bad spirits in real life, but in the movie they only had a bad spirit but he did change. He wanted everything to go his way but that wasn’t happening.

As soon as he went to Zeniba’s house his attitude changed a lot. Chihiro goes through a lot of transformation during the movie. I believe when she was in the spirit world it really changed her a lot. I dont really know what was the message that was in the movie because I didn’t see it from the beginning, but I bet it was a good one.

12 Angry Men Discussion Questions

I believe that Juror 10 is the one who based his decision on prejudice. He believes that all poor people are the same and that they always commit crimes. I don’t think it should be a hung jury, it could have been just life in prison. Nobody knows what the boy really did and nobody knows what his father really did for him to kill his dad. The persuasive piece of evidence is the switchblade.

Without that nobody wouldnt know who killed the father or how he did it. Reasonable doubt is a situation where a judge or a jury can not find a real reason to question the truth about a fact that proves the verdict is guilty. If the boy had an affluent background i think there first vote would be different. I say that because he has a lot of money and they don’t think someone with that much money would do anything like that. It’s crazy how some people think like that but hey I guess thats life for you, I think Juror 8 comes to my own style because he likes to think.

He doesn’t like assume anything he wants to think the whole situation through. I like to do that to. I hate when people assume things because in the end they don’t know if its true or not. If I was on the jury I would have voted not guilty. The reason I say that is because they don’t know why the boy did what he did. It could have been self defense. Nobody really knows what was going on in that house, not even the women who thought she saw what was really going on. You cant trust everybody you should just go with your first thought and just leave it at that.

Casablanca Discussion Questions

The major characters are very important in this movie. If it wasn’t for the characters and how they acted the movie would not be good at all. I think after watching this movie the actors really fit their characters. To be honest it was kind of funny that they didn’t include the sex scene. I guess it because a lot of movies that are out has a lot of sex scenes.

If the movie was remade today with sex scenes a lot of people would want to watch it. It just gives that dramatic effect to the movie where you want to see what all is going to happen our how far are they going to take it. It is going to gain a lot of views because people really that part of movies. It was very shocking how Victor let Ilsa seduce Rick just to get transit papers. I think that Victor is a bad husband for letting her do that because either way he wants to put it she is still cheating.

She is having sex with another man for goodness sakes. What if she goes and cheats on Victor with another man? She can easily say “Well you said I can the first time”. That’s crazy I would never let my spouse  do it even if it was just to get something out of it. If the movie where remade today i think it would be set in look the hood or something.

I say that because people like to fight over stupid stuff. Like for an example if I was a blood and i went in the crip neighborhood then they’re going to want to kill me straight up. That would change the story a lot because it would always going to be somebody fighting. I believe that this movie can be based on relationships. The most important relationship in this movie is going to be Rick’s and IIsa.

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